General Guideline
如果您在中国大陆购物网站上看到了需要的商品,请进入会员中心“代购->我要代购”,使用“我要代购”提取商品信息或者在网站页面搜索框将您需要订购的商品链接地址复制进去,并选择“搜索”按钮,根据页面提示信息选择商品信息,并在商品备注栏中填写您对商品的要求,然后添加至购物车。 你可修改“购买数量”,可选择商品选项,并填写“商品备注”。
以上事项确认无误后,提交运单时填写运单信息,请注意填写信息的正确性,以便我们能及时联络您。在等待发送员送货期间,您需要保持电话畅通,以便于投递员能及时联系到您。 最后,您在成功收到商品后,请到我们的网站进行包裹“确认收货”!
在途中:商品等待进入SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.仓库。
已到货:商品进入SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.仓库,商品已完成验货.您可以提交运送了喔。
待处理:商品等待SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.员工处理。
等待称重:商品等待SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.员工称重。
等待付款:运单等待SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.客户付款。
等待发货:商品等待SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.员工发货。
*备注:当商家实际发货情况与会员提交的商品信息不符,比如:数量有误,需要与会员进一步确认才能进入SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.仓库。问题描述等通过客服邮箱(info@sralogistik.com)提供给我们,客服专员会为您处理并尽快给您答复。
■ * - 必须填写
■ 商品名称 - 必须填写包裹里所有的货品因为这是会出现在COMMERCIAL INVOICE.
■ 快递单号 - 每个包裹的快递单号必须是独一的
■ 商品数量 - 请填写每个包裹里商品的数量(*注:不是包裹的数量)。
■ 申报总价(¥)
■ 物流公司
i. 系统会显示你所提交的商品资料,确认全部真确才进行下一步。
ii. 填写及确认你的收货地址。请在此选择你的运送区域。注意全部资料必须真确以免货物运送时出现差错。
iii. 选择你的运送区域后,你会显示不同的运送方式及费用。请在此选择你所要的运送方式。
iv. 接下来亲爱的客户可以选择所要的附加服务来减轻货物的重量和查验货。如有特殊说明请在此说明。当一却无误后,提交运单来结束提交过程。
8. 付费成功后,运单状态等待发货。
在途中:商品等待进入SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.仓库。
已到货:商品进入SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.仓库,商品已完成验货.您可以提交运送了喔。
待处理:商品等待SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.员工处理。
等待称重:商品等待SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.员工称重。
等待付款:运单等待SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.客户付款。
等待发货:商品等待SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.员工发货。
*备注:当商家实际发货情况与会员提交的商品信息不符,比如:数量有误,需要与会员进一步确认才能进入SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.仓库。问题描述等通过客服邮箱(info@sralogistik.com)提供给我们,客服专员会为您处理并尽快给您答复。
Parcel Shipment Rules & Regulations
*1.Air Shipping Items total value less than USD100@cannot more than 15KG/order are not required to pay tax.
*2. Value Declaration: Refer to parcel value filled in RMB amount by the customer,
our system will auto convert to USD. Value declaration exchange rate as USD 1.00 = ¥6.2。
*3. Air flight fare here include custom clearance but not include tax. However, it's almost zero percent chances been tax by custom,
if your shipment has been tax, can be settled by express company.
*4.Daigou Risk: If anything happen like damage and lost to your shipment on the way to the destination,we are not responsible for that. Bear in mind while receiving your parcel, make sure your items weight and quantity is correct then only sign on it.
*5.If there is any damage on your parcel,please check on the spot and inform the delivery man;
Must take picture and send to email:info@sralogistik.com
Or phone us.:03-80803345(Immediately). Once all the info in place, 「SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.」will fight for the customer to ask for compensation of shipping company.
*6.Air Shipment Compensation: If parcel lost or missing,the shipping company will be compensated according to your declaration up to RM400.
Note:If it's highly valuable goods, please contact us for buying insurance.
*7.Sea freight Compensation: If parcel lost or missing, the shipping company will follow your declaration the most 3 times of your shipping fare as compensation.
Note:If it's highly valuable goods, please contact us for buying insurance.
*8.Any issues cause by Taobao seller, we are not responsible for that. (Cheat,Color,Quality or Parcel Missing etc)
*8.If seller not honest,parcel missing half way, quality issue, send wrong good, color mistake etc. We are not responsible~
*9.If buyer received the parcel and discover the product is not the right one etc, we will help customer to request the seller to solve it.
*10.For customer who request for perfect and good quality, it's advisable while make order please choose QC service (Extra charge needed) whereby the warehouse staff will help to ensure your product in good quality when arrive in our warehouse.
*11.We would like to make sure customer can enjoy perfect buy for me service.
Make sure you understand the basic risk of buy for me service,for those items condition received by customer, we are not responsible for it. During festival, the shipment will be slow caused by custom clearance delay and big volume of shipment. We are not responsible for the delay.
*12.Parcel status show received but buyer claim that never receive it. Buyer have to trace where is their parel. Please understand that there is a risk in buy for me service, whereby goods might not arrive on time.
*13.Customer need to request seller pack the parcel in suitable way to avoid damage while shipping. Any damage on the goods received by warehouse, our company will not responsible for it but will help to get compensation from seller.
*14.If worry about goods condition, we do provide service like count goods, QC, take photos etc. Please contact customer service:info@sralogistik.com. If customer complaint that wrong product or product missing or send wrongly. We are not responsible for it.
*15.All the duration provided for Air and Sea shipping here, are not cover public holiday and festival,weather, custom clearance delay etc. We are not responsible for any delay causing loss by customer.
*16.Only for those product out of stock allow to refund, else once sold out non-refundable or exchangeable.
*17.If customer make order and choose our shipping service, it means customer accept all the rules and regulations above.
Bear in mind while using our shipping service, must understand all the flows,rules and consideration then only make order. Please wait patiently for your parcel to arrive. Thank You.
空运 网络拒绝接收如下物品:冒牌、液体、粉末状、食品、鲜活、药品、易燃易爆、腐蚀品、光碟、军火武器等国际航空运输协会(IATA)限制的物品。
如果您有冒牌/仿牌货需要空运 - 顾客可以直接联系客服询问详情。如果顾客误报 / 虚报该物品类型 或使用错误货运方式,我司将不承担有关所有的损失费用,请顾客谨慎提供正确资料并使用适当的货运方式。
什么是敏感物品 ?
液体,粉状物,电子产品,电池,名牌,仿牌 都属于 敏感物品 -需要敏感空运
空运网络通过走其他管道来进行一些小量的敏感空运 ,不过到了中国重要日子如国庆日/新年 海关就会严查而导致清关和运送缓慢,大部分敏感货有可能无法使用空运但顾客可以选择海运方式运送。
1. 空运包清关,不包Tax。但是中Tax的几率接近0,
* 遇上Tax,您可委托快递办理,货到才付给递送员。
2. 代购风险
* 货物在运途中发生任何意外,损坏,遗失,海关没收一切责任归于买家。
* 谨记在签收包裹之前,必须先自行检查货品的重量和数量再签收。
* 如果包裹破损,必须当场检查并通知送货人员;
* 一定要拍下照片转发电邮到info@sralogistik.com(第一时间)
* 在资料充足的情况下「SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.」会尽能力替顾客向运输公司追讨。
* (货品一旦被签收就是默认货品在收到的情况下是齐全和没有问题的。所以为了避免不愉快的事情发生以及误会,请客户在签收之前检查清楚哦。)
3. 任何淘宝卖家所照成的问题,本店一律不负责.(如:欺诈,色差,质量差,发少货等)
4. 如卖家欺诈,运输途中损失,品质问题,货不对版,颜色错误等问题,一律不负责~(支付宝但保)
5. 若买方在收到货之后发现卖家发错货等问题一律不会负责,但是会尽能力向淘宝卖家找出解决方案。
6. 对品质要求严格者,完美主义者,建议在下单前选择代验货服务(需要另行付费)务必考量代购风险以及物流流程。
* 因为本司要确保双方能在愉快的情况下提供您完美的代购服。
* 必须了解基于代购风险,对于到手的货品的一切不满,本店均不负责。
* 所有产品品质风险均由顾客承担。
* 物流遇上节日假期,海关检验所造成的缓慢,拖延,本店均不负责。
7. 经显示签收,而买家却还没有收到包裹。买家需要亲自寻找包裹的踪影。请大家谅解。
8. 代购是有一定的风险的,有时不一定会在预定的时间内到达的。
9. 顾客需要要求买家把货物送来的时候,提供适当的包装,以防止货物在运送途中有所破损,有关包裹内的货物在抵达我司已经破损我司将不承担,但会尽量替卖家追讨。
10. 如果担心货物有所问题,需要点货,验货,或拍照,请联系客服,事后顾客有所申诉货物不对版,货物漏发,发错,我司一概不承担此责任。
11. 所有提供抵达货运天数,不含节日/假日假期,天气影响/海关处理等延误。如果有所延迟我司将不会承担延误赔偿。
12. 只有在货物缺货的情况向才会退款, 所有售出商品恕不退还或更换。
13. 顾客如果下单与让我司承担货运服务,等同接受以上条款。
* 谨记使用代购服务下订单是要在经过考量,了解流程,才提交;再耐心等待包裹到手,一切就完成了
*Shipment Rule !
Normal Goods & Sensitive Goods Differences:
Pirated product, liquid, beauty product, medicine, battery contains product, CD, DVD, powder and adultery products as sensitive goods.
*Air Shipment Prohibited Goods:
Dangerous goods, weapon, animal, currency, alcohol and all the international freight associate banning items.
*Weight Calculation:
If good weight is 1.2kg, we will charge 2kg as air freight fee.
According to air freight calculation, the air freight fee will use either actual weight or volumetric weight whichever is heavier. What is volumetric weight? It's based on height, width and length.
Sample 1:
Good Actual Weight:1 kg
Good Volumetric Weight:25cm x 20cm x 30cm
volumetric weight = (25 x 20 x 30)/6000
= 2.5 kg
If your goods actual weight is 1.5KG,receipt written 1.5KG, but if volumetric weight is 4.6KG,charges is based on 5KG。
Please beware of this! To avoid any arguement later!
Why volumetric weight calculation exist~
Firstly, give an example.
Due to air freight is using air plane, the flight storage only contains limited space one.
If most of us send items like toy and plastic items etc, it takes a lot of space. But the real actual weight is actually very light. That's why the air freight company set the rule for volumetric weight calculation.
*Weight Calculation:
If good weight is 1.2kg, we will charge 2kg as air freight fee.
According to air freight calculation, the air freight fee will use either actual weight or volumetric weight whichever is heavier. What is volumetric weight? It's based on height, width and length.
*Sample 1:
Good Actual Weight:1 kg
Good Volumetric Weight:25cm x 20cm x 30cm
volumetric weight = (25 x 20 x 30)/6000
= 2.5 kg
If your goods actual weight is 1.5KG,receipt written 1.5KG, but if volumetric weight is 4.6KG,charges is based on 5KG。
Please beware of this! To avoid any arguement later!
*Why volumetric weight calculation exist~
Firstly, give an example.
Due to air freight is using air plane, the flight storage only contains limited space one.
If most of us send items like toy and plastic items etc, it takes a lot of space. But the real actual weight is actually very light. That's why the air freight company set the rule for volumetric weight calculation.
After Sale Service
A. 发货错误、次品或货物被损
B. 商品出现质量问题
对于符合退/换条件的商品,SRA Logistik Sdn Bhd.代购系统网将负责运至国内商家,并将修好或更换的商品运回给您。因每个销售商/生产商都有其独特的处理商品质量问题的原则和方式(以商品质量保证卡中所注明的为准),我们无法保证厂商能完全满足您的要求,但会尽力为您争取利益,让您满意。
A. 商品被调换,原貌改变,或者零件丢失;
B. 被拆封的商品,比如软件包、CD、DVD、卡带等;
C. 没有原始购买凭证的商品。